Here is a very cutie and easy sleeping fox under a rainbow.

DMC Colors
DMC 666 Red
DMC 971 Orange
DMC 307 Yellow
DMC 907 Green
DMC 517 Blue
DMC 552 Purple
DMC 720 Orange Fox
DMC Blanc Fox White
DMC 470 Light Green Grass
DMC 701 Dark Green Grass
DMC 310 Black Outline

Make sure your printer scale is set on default or actual size not fit to page so it doesn’t change the size of the fox.
3-inch embroidery hoop and a 7 inch square of fabric. I’m using muslin but you can use any fabric you have on hand. It helps if you can see through the fabric.
Stretch out your fabric your embroidery loop then print out the Fox PDF and cut out the circle. Place the circle on the backside of the hoop and hold it up to a light so you can trace the fox pattern on to the fabric. I taped it to a window so it would be easy to trace. I traced it with a pencil.
First, we will start with the outside of the rainbow using DMC red 666. Use a full strain and make your floss about the length of your arm so it is conformable to pull it and not get tangled. Start your stitch right next to the hoop down at the bottom of the rainbow by the grass. I started mine on the right side but you can dow whatever side you would like. Make your first stitch about 1/4 inch long. Pull the floss through leveling a tiny loop. Bring the needle back through in the middle of your first stitch on the side of the hoop. Pull it all tight and repeat the stitch again. Repeat this stitch all the way around the outside using the hoop as a guide.
When you get to the other side start your next row of stitches right next to the last one. Making sure not to go through the whole on the other side. Repeat the same stitch bringing the needle back on the hoop side. Keep the stitch very close to the first row.
You will need 3 rows to fill the stripe. It’s ok if you need a more floss to finish off the row. The next row will be Orange DMC 971 and repeat the same stitch as the red. It will be 3 rows of orange.

Do the same thing for the yellow DMC 307. Stitch 3 rows. If you rainbow colors start to go into the other line don’t worry about it. As long as the arch looks even.

Then do 3 rows of Green DMC 907.

The more rows with blue DMC 517. Skipping around the fox as you go. On the left side of the fox head, I needed to add one stitch to fill in the head.
Now last of the rainbow. Purple DMC 552. The last few rows of purple are really just a stitch to fill it in.
Next, we will do the grass. Let’s do the dark green grass DMC 701 on the outside edge first. Use the hoop again as a guide. Go back and forth till you hit the line. I need 8 rows to hit the line.
Now for the last green DMC 470. Skipping around the fox-like you did on the head. Filling in the little gap in-between his hands with a simple stitch
For the fox body, we are going to start with the orange ears. Start your first stitch in the middle of the ear at the bottom. then go to the middle of the are. Filling by going up and down 3 stitches till you hit the end of the ear. The Start back on the other side at the top of the ear. and do 2 more stitches to the right. repeat for the other ear.
Next, we move to the main part of the head started at the nose to the top of the forehead. Filling it in with a simple up and down stitch moving to the outside. Once you have filled in the first half of the head start back at the center and move to the other side of the fox head.
Now let’s jump down to the left fox hand filling it in the same way as we did the head. once you are done jump over and fill in the right fox hand.
Now move on to the main fox body. Starting where the head meets the body and working with the same long stitch to the right. When you finish with the right side of the fox body you will start on the tail.
Start at the top of the tail and using the same stitch work your way to the tip. The stitch direction will be different to help show the different parts of the fox.
To finish the rest of the fox body start back at the tip of the tail and finish filling in the fox body to the left.
Now the only thing that’s left is the white of the fox face. The face, hands and tail tip uses DMC Blanc. Start on the far left part of the fox on the top. Use the same long stitch the same one that was used on the rest of the fox.
Once the left side of the face is filled in start on the white on the left hand. Then do the right hand.
Time to do the right side of the face. Starting near the top of the face halfway up. and work your way up to the right.
Now start the tail. Starting at the tip of the tail then going to the bases and fill in the left of the tail. Then do the right side of the tail.
Last we are going to do the outline of the eyes and body. DMC black 310 and you will only need 3 strands of black. Let’s start with the outline of the body and work our way in. Filling in the noses when you get to it and work your way around the rest of the body. The make a quick line for the ground between the rainbow and ground.
Now your all done. I hope that you enjoyed the tutorial. Please come back often to see the new projects I have for you.